Falcon source files (reference implementation)


    1 #ifndef FALCON_INNER_H__
    2 #define FALCON_INNER_H__
    4 /*
    5  * Internal functions for Falcon. This is not the API intended to be
    6  * used by applications; instead, this internal API provides all the
    7  * primitives on which wrappers build to provide external APIs.
    8  *
    9  * ==========================(LICENSE BEGIN)============================
   10  *
   11  * Copyright (c) 2017-2019  Falcon Project
   12  *
   13  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
   14  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
   15  * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
   16  * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
   17  * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
   18  * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
   19  * the following conditions:
   20  *
   21  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
   22  * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
   23  *
   31  *
   32  * ===========================(LICENSE END)=============================
   33  *
   34  * @author   Thomas Pornin <thomas.pornin@nccgroup.com>
   35  */
   37 /*
   39  * -------------------
   40  *
   41  * This API has some non-trivial usage rules:
   42  *
   43  *
   44  *  - All public functions (i.e. the non-static ones) must be referenced
   45  *    with the Zf() macro (e.g. Zf(verify_raw) for the verify_raw()
   46  *    function). That macro adds a prefix to the name, which is
   47  *    configurable with the FALCON_PREFIX macro. This allows compiling
   48  *    the code into a specific "namespace" and potentially including
   49  *    several versions of this code into a single application (e.g. to
   50  *    have an AVX2 and a non-AVX2 variants and select the one to use at
   51  *    runtime based on availability of AVX2 opcodes).
   52  *
   53  *  - Functions that need temporary buffers expects them as a final
   54  *    tmp[] array of type uint8_t*, with a size which is documented for
   55  *    each function. However, most have some alignment requirements,
   56  *    because they will use the array to store 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit
   57  *    values (e.g. uint64_t or double). The caller must ensure proper
   58  *    alignment. What happens on unaligned access depends on the
   59  *    underlying architecture, ranging from a slight time penalty
   60  *    to immediate termination of the process.
   61  *
   62  *  - Some functions rely on specific rounding rules and precision for
   63  *    floating-point numbers. On some systems (in particular 32-bit x86
   64  *    with the 387 FPU), this requires setting an hardware control
   65  *    word. The caller MUST use set_fpu_cw() to ensure proper precision:
   66  *
   67  *      oldcw = set_fpu_cw(2);
   68  *      Zf(sign_dyn)(...);
   69  *      set_fpu_cw(oldcw);
   70  *
   71  *    On systems where the native floating-point precision is already
   72  *    proper, or integer-based emulation is used, the set_fpu_cw()
   73  *    function does nothing, so it can be called systematically.
   74  */
   76 // yyyPQCLEAN+0 yyyNIST+0 yyySUPERCOP+0
   77 #include "config.h"
   78 // yyyPQCLEAN- yyyNIST- yyySUPERCOP-
   79 // yyySUPERCOP+1
   80 // yyyCONF*
   81 // yyySUPERCOP-
   83 #include <stdint.h>
   84 #include <stdlib.h>
   85 #include <string.h>
   87 #if defined FALCON_AVX2 && FALCON_AVX2 // yyyAVX2+1
   88 /*
   89  * This implementation uses AVX2 and optionally FMA intrinsics.
   90  */
   91 #include <immintrin.h>
   92 #ifndef FALCON_LE
   93 #define FALCON_LE   1
   94 #endif
   95 #ifndef FALCON_UNALIGNED
   96 #define FALCON_UNALIGNED   1
   97 #endif
   98 #if defined __GNUC__
   99 #if defined FALCON_FMA && FALCON_FMA
  100 #define TARGET_AVX2   __attribute__((target("avx2,fma")))
  101 #else
  102 #define TARGET_AVX2   __attribute__((target("avx2")))
  103 #endif
  104 #elif defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER
  105 #pragma warning( disable : 4752 )
  106 #endif
  107 #if defined FALCON_FMA && FALCON_FMA
  108 #define FMADD(a, b, c)   _mm256_fmadd_pd(a, b, c)
  109 #define FMSUB(a, b, c)   _mm256_fmsub_pd(a, b, c)
  110 #else
  111 #define FMADD(a, b, c)   _mm256_add_pd(_mm256_mul_pd(a, b), c)
  112 #define FMSUB(a, b, c)   _mm256_sub_pd(_mm256_mul_pd(a, b), c)
  113 #endif
  114 #endif // yyyAVX2-
  116 // yyyNIST+0 yyyPQCLEAN+0
  117 /*
  118  * On MSVC, disable warning about applying unary minus on an unsigned
  119  * type: this is perfectly defined standard behaviour and we do it
  120  * quite often.
  121  */
  122 #if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER
  123 #pragma warning( disable : 4146 )
  124 #endif
  126 // yyySUPERCOP+0
  127 /*
  128  * Enable ARM assembly on any ARMv7m platform (if it was not done before).
  129  */
  130 #ifndef FALCON_ASM_CORTEXM4
  131 #if (defined __ARM_ARCH_7EM__ && __ARM_ARCH_7EM__) \
  132         && (defined __ARM_FEATURE_DSP && __ARM_FEATURE_DSP)
  133 #define FALCON_ASM_CORTEXM4   1
  134 #else
  135 #define FALCON_ASM_CORTEXM4   0
  136 #endif
  137 #endif
  138 // yyySUPERCOP-
  140 #if defined __i386__ || defined _M_IX86 \
  141         || defined __x86_64__ || defined _M_X64 || \
  142         (defined _ARCH_PWR8 && \
  143                 (defined __LITTLE_ENDIAN || defined __LITTLE_ENDIAN__))
  145 #ifndef FALCON_LE
  146 #define FALCON_LE     1
  147 #endif
  148 #ifndef FALCON_UNALIGNED
  149 #define FALCON_UNALIGNED   1
  150 #endif
  154 #ifndef FALCON_LE
  155 #define FALCON_LE     1
  156 #endif
  157 #ifndef FALCON_UNALIGNED
  158 #define FALCON_UNALIGNED   0
  159 #endif
  161 #elif (defined __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ && __LITTLE_ENDIAN__) \
  162         || (defined __BYTE_ORDER__ && defined __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ \
  163                 && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
  165 #ifndef FALCON_LE
  166 #define FALCON_LE     1
  167 #endif
  168 #ifndef FALCON_UNALIGNED
  169 #define FALCON_UNALIGNED   0
  170 #endif
  172 #else
  174 #ifndef FALCON_LE
  175 #define FALCON_LE     0
  176 #endif
  177 #ifndef FALCON_UNALIGNED
  178 #define FALCON_UNALIGNED   0
  179 #endif
  181 #endif
  183 /*
  184  * We ensure that both FALCON_FPEMU and FALCON_FPNATIVE are defined,
  185  * with compatible values (exactly one of them must be non-zero).
  186  * If none is defined, then default FP implementation is 'native'
  187  * except on ARM Cortex M4.
  188  */
  189 #if !defined FALCON_FPEMU && !defined FALCON_FPNATIVE
  191 #if (defined __ARM_FP && ((__ARM_FP & 0x08) == 0x08)) \
  192         || (!defined __ARM_FP && defined __ARM_VFPV2__)
  193 #define FALCON_FPEMU      0
  194 #define FALCON_FPNATIVE   1
  196 #define FALCON_FPEMU      1
  197 #define FALCON_FPNATIVE   0
  198 #else
  199 #define FALCON_FPEMU      0
  200 #define FALCON_FPNATIVE   1
  201 #endif
  203 #elif defined FALCON_FPEMU && !defined FALCON_FPNATIVE
  205 #if FALCON_FPEMU
  206 #define FALCON_FPNATIVE   0
  207 #else
  208 #define FALCON_FPNATIVE   1
  209 #endif
  211 #elif defined FALCON_FPNATIVE && !defined FALCON_FPEMU
  214 #define FALCON_FPEMU   0
  215 #else
  216 #define FALCON_FPEMU   1
  217 #endif
  219 #endif
  222 #error Exactly one of FALCON_FPEMU and FALCON_FPNATIVE must be selected
  223 #endif
  225 // yyySUPERCOP+0
  226 /*
  227  * For seed generation from the operating system:
  228  *  - On Linux and glibc-2.25+, FreeBSD 12+ and OpenBSD, use getentropy().
  229  *  - On Unix-like systems, use /dev/urandom (including as a fallback
  230  *    for failed getentropy() calls).
  231  *  - On Windows, use CryptGenRandom().
  232  */
  235 #if (defined __linux__ && defined __GLIBC__ \
  236         && (__GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 25))) \
  237         || (defined __FreeBSD__ && __FreeBSD__ >= 12) \
  238         || defined __OpenBSD__
  239 #define FALCON_RAND_GETENTROPY   1
  240 #else
  241 #define FALCON_RAND_GETENTROPY   0
  242 #endif
  243 #endif
  246 #if defined _AIX \
  247         || defined __ANDROID__ \
  248         || defined __FreeBSD__ \
  249         || defined __NetBSD__ \
  250         || defined __OpenBSD__ \
  251         || defined __DragonFly__ \
  252         || defined __linux__ \
  253         || (defined __sun && (defined __SVR4 || defined __svr4__)) \
  254         || (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__)
  255 #define FALCON_RAND_URANDOM   1
  256 #else
  257 #define FALCON_RAND_URANDOM   0
  258 #endif
  259 #endif
  261 #ifndef FALCON_RAND_WIN32
  262 #if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64
  263 #define FALCON_RAND_WIN32   1
  264 #else
  265 #define FALCON_RAND_WIN32   0
  266 #endif
  267 #endif
  268 // yyySUPERCOP-
  270 /*
  271  * For still undefined compile-time macros, define them to 0 to avoid
  272  * warnings with -Wundef.
  273  */
  274 #ifndef FALCON_AVX2
  275 #define FALCON_AVX2   0
  276 #endif
  277 #ifndef FALCON_FMA
  278 #define FALCON_FMA   0
  279 #endif
  280 #ifndef FALCON_KG_CHACHA20
  281 #define FALCON_KG_CHACHA20   0
  282 #endif
  283 // yyyNIST- yyyPQCLEAN-
  285 // yyyPQCLEAN+0 yyySUPERCOP+0
  286 /*
  287  * "Naming" macro used to apply a consistent prefix over all global
  288  * symbols.
  289  */
  290 #ifndef FALCON_PREFIX
  291 #define FALCON_PREFIX   falcon_inner
  292 #endif
  293 #define Zf(name)             Zf_(FALCON_PREFIX, name)
  294 #define Zf_(prefix, name)    Zf__(prefix, name)
  295 #define Zf__(prefix, name)   prefix ## _ ## name  
  296 // yyyPQCLEAN- yyySUPERCOP-
  298 // yyyAVX2+1
  299 /*
  300  * We use the TARGET_AVX2 macro to tag some functions which, in some
  301  * configurations, may use AVX2 and FMA intrinsics; this depends on
  302  * the compiler. In all other cases, we just define it to emptiness
  303  * (i.e. it will have no effect).
  304  */
  305 #ifndef TARGET_AVX2
  306 #define TARGET_AVX2
  307 #endif
  308 // yyyAVX2-
  310 /*
  311  * Some computations with floating-point elements, in particular
  312  * rounding to the nearest integer, rely on operations using _exactly_
  313  * the precision of IEEE-754 binary64 type (i.e. 52 bits). On 32-bit
  314  * x86, the 387 FPU may be used (depending on the target OS) and, in
  315  * that case, may use more precision bits (i.e. 64 bits, for an 80-bit
  316  * total type length); to prevent miscomputations, we define an explicit
  317  * function that modifies the precision in the FPU control word.
  318  *
  319  * set_fpu_cw() sets the precision to the provided value, and returns
  320  * the previously set precision; callers are supposed to restore the
  321  * previous precision on exit. The correct (52-bit) precision is
  322  * configured with the value "2". On unsupported compilers, or on
  323  * targets other than 32-bit x86, or when the native 'double' type is
  324  * not used, the set_fpu_cw() function does nothing at all.
  325  */
  327 #if defined __GNUC__ && defined __i386__
  328 static inline unsigned
  329 set_fpu_cw(unsigned x)
  330 {
  331         unsigned short t;
  332         unsigned old;
  334         __asm__ __volatile__ ("fstcw %0" : "=m" (t) : : );
  335         old = (t & 0x0300u) >> 8;
  336         t = (unsigned short)((t & ~0x0300u) | (x << 8));
  337         __asm__ __volatile__ ("fldcw %0" : : "m" (t) : );
  338         return old;
  339 }
  340 #elif defined _M_IX86
  341 static inline unsigned
  342 set_fpu_cw(unsigned x)
  343 {
  344         unsigned short t;
  345         unsigned old;
  347         __asm { fstcw t }
  348         old = (t & 0x0300u) >> 8;
  349         t = (unsigned short)((t & ~0x0300u) | (x << 8));
  350         __asm { fldcw t }
  351         return old;
  352 }
  353 #else
  354 static inline unsigned
  355 set_fpu_cw(unsigned x)
  356 {
  357         return x;
  358 }
  359 #endif
  360 #else  // yyyFPNATIVE+0
  361 static inline unsigned
  362 set_fpu_cw(unsigned x)
  363 {
  364         return x;
  365 }
  366 #endif  // yyyFPNATIVE-
  368 #if FALCON_FPNATIVE && !FALCON_AVX2  // yyyFPNATIVE+1 yyyAVX2+0
  369 /*
  370  * If using the native 'double' type but not AVX2 code, on an x86
  371  * machine with SSE2 activated for maths, then we will use the
  372  * SSE2 intrinsics.
  373  */
  374 #if defined __GNUC__ && defined __SSE2_MATH__
  375 #include <immintrin.h>
  376 #endif
  377 #endif  // yyyFPNATIVE- yyyAVX2-
  380 /*
  381  * For optimal reproducibility of values, we need to disable contraction
  382  * of floating-point expressions; otherwise, on some architectures (e.g.
  383  * PowerPC), the compiler may generate fused-multiply-add opcodes that
  384  * may round differently than two successive separate opcodes. C99 defines
  385  * a standard pragma for that, but GCC-6.2.2 appears to ignore it,
  386  * hence the GCC-specific pragma (that Clang does not support).
  387  */
  388 #if defined __clang__
  389 #pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT OFF
  390 #elif defined __GNUC__
  391 #pragma GCC optimize ("fp-contract=off")
  392 #endif
  393 #endif  // yyyFPNATIVE-
  395 // yyyPQCLEAN+0
  396 /*
  397  * MSVC 2015 does not know the C99 keyword 'restrict'.
  398  */
  399 #if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER
  400 #ifndef restrict
  401 #define restrict   __restrict
  402 #endif
  403 #endif
  404 // yyyPQCLEAN-
  406 /* ==================================================================== */
  407 /*
  408  * SHAKE256 implementation (shake.c).
  409  *
  410  * API is defined to be easily replaced with the fips202.h API defined
  411  * as part of PQClean.
  412  */
  414 // yyyPQCLEAN+0
  415 typedef struct {
  416         union {
  417                 uint64_t A[25];
  418                 uint8_t dbuf[200];
  419         } st;
  420         uint64_t dptr;
  421 } inner_shake256_context;
  423 #define inner_shake256_init      Zf(i_shake256_init)
  424 #define inner_shake256_inject    Zf(i_shake256_inject)
  425 #define inner_shake256_flip      Zf(i_shake256_flip)
  426 #define inner_shake256_extract   Zf(i_shake256_extract)
  428 void Zf(i_shake256_init)(
  429         inner_shake256_context *sc);
  430 void Zf(i_shake256_inject)(
  431         inner_shake256_context *sc, const uint8_t *in, size_t len);
  432 void Zf(i_shake256_flip)(
  433         inner_shake256_context *sc);
  434 void Zf(i_shake256_extract)(
  435         inner_shake256_context *sc, uint8_t *out, size_t len);
  437 /*
  438 // yyyPQCLEAN+1
  440 #include "fips202.h"
  442 #define inner_shake256_context                shake256incctx
  443 #define inner_shake256_init(sc)               shake256_inc_init(sc)
  444 #define inner_shake256_inject(sc, in, len)    shake256_inc_absorb(sc, in, len)
  445 #define inner_shake256_flip(sc)               shake256_inc_finalize(sc)
  446 #define inner_shake256_extract(sc, out, len)  shake256_inc_squeeze(out, len, sc)
  448 // yyyPQCLEAN+0
  449  */
  450 // yyyPQCLEAN-
  452 /* ==================================================================== */
  453 /*
  454  * Encoding/decoding functions (codec.c).
  455  *
  456  * Encoding functions take as parameters an output buffer (out) with
  457  * a given maximum length (max_out_len); returned value is the actual
  458  * number of bytes which have been written. If the output buffer is
  459  * not large enough, then 0 is returned (some bytes may have been
  460  * written to the buffer). If 'out' is NULL, then 'max_out_len' is
  461  * ignored; instead, the function computes and returns the actual
  462  * required output length (in bytes).
  463  *
  464  * Decoding functions take as parameters an input buffer (in) with
  465  * its maximum length (max_in_len); returned value is the actual number
  466  * of bytes that have been read from the buffer. If the provided length
  467  * is too short, then 0 is returned.
  468  *
  469  * Values to encode or decode are vectors of integers, with N = 2^logn
  470  * elements.
  471  *
  472  * Three encoding formats are defined:
  473  *
  474  *   - modq: sequence of values modulo 12289, each encoded over exactly
  475  *     14 bits. The encoder and decoder verify that integers are within
  476  *     the valid range (0..12288). Values are arrays of uint16.
  477  *
  478  *   - trim: sequence of signed integers, a specified number of bits
  479  *     each. The number of bits is provided as parameter and includes
  480  *     the sign bit. Each integer x must be such that |x| < 2^(bits-1)
  481  *     (which means that the -2^(bits-1) value is forbidden); encode and
  482  *     decode functions check that property. Values are arrays of
  483  *     int16_t or int8_t, corresponding to names 'trim_i16' and
  484  *     'trim_i8', respectively.
  485  *
  486  *   - comp: variable-length encoding for signed integers; each integer
  487  *     uses a minimum of 9 bits, possibly more. This is normally used
  488  *     only for signatures.
  489  *
  490  */
  492 size_t Zf(modq_encode)(void *out, size_t max_out_len,
  493         const uint16_t *x, unsigned logn);
  494 size_t Zf(trim_i16_encode)(void *out, size_t max_out_len,
  495         const int16_t *x, unsigned logn, unsigned bits);
  496 size_t Zf(trim_i8_encode)(void *out, size_t max_out_len,
  497         const int8_t *x, unsigned logn, unsigned bits);
  498 size_t Zf(comp_encode)(void *out, size_t max_out_len,
  499         const int16_t *x, unsigned logn);
  501 size_t Zf(modq_decode)(uint16_t *x, unsigned logn,
  502         const void *in, size_t max_in_len);
  503 size_t Zf(trim_i16_decode)(int16_t *x, unsigned logn, unsigned bits,
  504         const void *in, size_t max_in_len);
  505 size_t Zf(trim_i8_decode)(int8_t *x, unsigned logn, unsigned bits,
  506         const void *in, size_t max_in_len);
  507 size_t Zf(comp_decode)(int16_t *x, unsigned logn,
  508         const void *in, size_t max_in_len);
  510 /*
  511  * Number of bits for key elements, indexed by logn (1 to 10). This
  512  * is at most 8 bits for all degrees, but some degrees may have shorter
  513  * elements.
  514  */
  515 extern const uint8_t Zf(max_fg_bits)[];
  516 extern const uint8_t Zf(max_FG_bits)[];
  518 /*
  519  * Maximum size, in bits, of elements in a signature, indexed by logn
  520  * (1 to 10). The size includes the sign bit.
  521  */
  522 extern const uint8_t Zf(max_sig_bits)[];
  524 /* ==================================================================== */
  525 /*
  526  * Support functions used for both signature generation and signature
  527  * verification (common.c).
  528  */
  530 /*
  531  * From a SHAKE256 context (must be already flipped), produce a new
  532  * point. This is the non-constant-time version, which may leak enough
  533  * information to serve as a stop condition on a brute force attack on
  534  * the hashed message (provided that the nonce value is known).
  535  */
  536 void Zf(hash_to_point_vartime)(inner_shake256_context *sc,
  537         uint16_t *x, unsigned logn);
  539 /*
  540  * From a SHAKE256 context (must be already flipped), produce a new
  541  * point. The temporary buffer (tmp) must have room for 2*2^logn bytes.
  542  * This function is constant-time but is typically more expensive than
  543  * Zf(hash_to_point_vartime)().
  544  *
  545  * tmp[] must have 16-bit alignment.
  546  */
  547 void Zf(hash_to_point_ct)(inner_shake256_context *sc,
  548         uint16_t *x, unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
  550 /*
  551  * Tell whether a given vector (2N coordinates, in two halves) is
  552  * acceptable as a signature. This compares the appropriate norm of the
  553  * vector with the acceptance bound. Returned value is 1 on success
  554  * (vector is short enough to be acceptable), 0 otherwise.
  555  */
  556 int Zf(is_short)(const int16_t *s1, const int16_t *s2, unsigned logn);
  558 /*
  559  * Tell whether a given vector (2N coordinates, in two halves) is
  560  * acceptable as a signature. Instead of the first half s1, this
  561  * function receives the "saturated squared norm" of s1, i.e. the
  562  * sum of the squares of the coordinates of s1 (saturated at 2^32-1
  563  * if the sum exceeds 2^31-1).
  564  *
  565  * Returned value is 1 on success (vector is short enough to be
  566  * acceptable), 0 otherwise.
  567  */
  568 int Zf(is_short_half)(uint32_t sqn, const int16_t *s2, unsigned logn);
  570 /* ==================================================================== */
  571 /*
  572  * Signature verification functions (vrfy.c).
  573  */
  575 /*
  576  * Convert a public key to NTT + Montgomery format. Conversion is done
  577  * in place.
  578  */
  579 void Zf(to_ntt_monty)(uint16_t *h, unsigned logn);
  581 /*
  582  * Internal signature verification code:
  583  *   c0[]      contains the hashed nonce+message
  584  *   s2[]      is the decoded signature
  585  *   h[]       contains the public key, in NTT + Montgomery format
  586  *   logn      is the degree log
  587  *   tmp[]     temporary, must have at least 2*2^logn bytes
  588  * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error.
  589  *
  590  * tmp[] must have 16-bit alignment.
  591  */
  592 int Zf(verify_raw)(const uint16_t *c0, const int16_t *s2,
  593         const uint16_t *h, unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
  595 /*
  596  * Compute the public key h[], given the private key elements f[] and
  597  * g[]. This computes h = g/f mod phi mod q, where phi is the polynomial
  598  * modulus. This function returns 1 on success, 0 on error (an error is
  599  * reported if f is not invertible mod phi mod q).
  600  *
  601  * The tmp[] array must have room for at least 2*2^logn elements.
  602  * tmp[] must have 16-bit alignment.
  603  */
  604 int Zf(compute_public)(uint16_t *h,
  605         const int8_t *f, const int8_t *g, unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
  607 /*
  608  * Recompute the fourth private key element. Private key consists in
  609  * four polynomials with small coefficients f, g, F and G, which are
  610  * such that fG - gF = q mod phi; furthermore, f is invertible modulo
  611  * phi and modulo q. This function recomputes G from f, g and F.
  612  *
  613  * The tmp[] array must have room for at least 4*2^logn bytes.
  614  *
  615  * Returned value is 1 in success, 0 on error (f not invertible).
  616  * tmp[] must have 16-bit alignment.
  617  */
  618 int Zf(complete_private)(int8_t *G,
  619         const int8_t *f, const int8_t *g, const int8_t *F,
  620         unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
  622 /*
  623  * Test whether a given polynomial is invertible modulo phi and q.
  624  * Polynomial coefficients are small integers.
  625  *
  626  * tmp[] must have 16-bit alignment.
  627  */
  628 int Zf(is_invertible)(
  629         const int16_t *s2, unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
  631 /*
  632  * Count the number of elements of value zero in the NTT representation
  633  * of the given polynomial: this is the number of primitive 2n-th roots
  634  * of unity (modulo q = 12289) that are roots of the provided polynomial
  635  * (taken modulo q).
  636  *
  637  * tmp[] must have 16-bit alignment.
  638  */
  639 int Zf(count_nttzero)(const int16_t *sig, unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
  641 /*
  642  * Internal signature verification with public key recovery:
  643  *   h[]       receives the public key (NOT in NTT/Montgomery format)
  644  *   c0[]      contains the hashed nonce+message
  645  *   s1[]      is the first signature half
  646  *   s2[]      is the second signature half
  647  *   logn      is the degree log
  648  *   tmp[]     temporary, must have at least 2*2^logn bytes
  649  * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error. Success is returned if
  650  * the signature is a short enough vector; in that case, the public
  651  * key has been written to h[]. However, the caller must still
  652  * verify that h[] is the correct value (e.g. with regards to a known
  653  * hash of the public key).
  654  *
  655  * h[] may not overlap with any of the other arrays.
  656  *
  657  * tmp[] must have 16-bit alignment.
  658  */
  659 int Zf(verify_recover)(uint16_t *h,
  660         const uint16_t *c0, const int16_t *s1, const int16_t *s2,
  661         unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
  663 /* ==================================================================== */
  664 /*
  665  * Implementation of floating-point real numbers (fpr.h, fpr.c).
  666  */
  668 /*
  669  * Real numbers are implemented by an extra header file, included below.
  670  * This is meant to support pluggable implementations. The default
  671  * implementation relies on the C type 'double'.
  672  *
  673  * The included file must define the following types, functions and
  674  * constants:
  675  *
  676  *   fpr
  677  *         type for a real number
  678  *
  679  *   fpr fpr_of(int64_t i)
  680  *         cast an integer into a real number; source must be in the
  681  *         -(2^63-1)..+(2^63-1) range
  682  *
  683  *   fpr fpr_scaled(int64_t i, int sc)
  684  *         compute i*2^sc as a real number; source 'i' must be in the
  685  *         -(2^63-1)..+(2^63-1) range
  686  *
  687  *   fpr fpr_ldexp(fpr x, int e)
  688  *         compute x*2^e
  689  *
  690  *   int64_t fpr_rint(fpr x)
  691  *         round x to the nearest integer; x must be in the -(2^63-1)
  692  *         to +(2^63-1) range
  693  *
  694  *   int64_t fpr_trunc(fpr x)
  695  *         round to an integer; this rounds towards zero; value must
  696  *         be in the -(2^63-1) to +(2^63-1) range
  697  *
  698  *   fpr fpr_add(fpr x, fpr y)
  699  *         compute x + y
  700  *
  701  *   fpr fpr_sub(fpr x, fpr y)
  702  *         compute x - y
  703  *
  704  *   fpr fpr_neg(fpr x)
  705  *         compute -x
  706  *
  707  *   fpr fpr_half(fpr x)
  708  *         compute x/2
  709  *
  710  *   fpr fpr_double(fpr x)
  711  *         compute x*2
  712  *
  713  *   fpr fpr_mul(fpr x, fpr y)
  714  *         compute x * y
  715  *
  716  *   fpr fpr_sqr(fpr x)
  717  *         compute x * x
  718  *
  719  *   fpr fpr_inv(fpr x)
  720  *         compute 1/x
  721  *
  722  *   fpr fpr_div(fpr x, fpr y)
  723  *         compute x/y
  724  *
  725  *   fpr fpr_sqrt(fpr x)
  726  *         compute the square root of x
  727  *
  728  *   int fpr_lt(fpr x, fpr y)
  729  *         return 1 if x < y, 0 otherwise
  730  *
  731  *   uint64_t fpr_expm_p63(fpr x)
  732  *         return exp(x), assuming that 0 <= x < log(2). Returned value
  733  *         is scaled to 63 bits (i.e. it really returns 2^63*exp(-x),
  734  *         rounded to the nearest integer). Computation should have a
  735  *         precision of at least 45 bits.
  736  *
  737  *   const fpr fpr_gm_tab[]
  738  *         array of constants for FFT / iFFT
  739  *
  740  *   const fpr fpr_p2_tab[]
  741  *         precomputed powers of 2 (by index, 0 to 10)
  742  *
  743  * Constants of type 'fpr':
  744  *
  745  *   fpr fpr_q                 12289
  746  *   fpr fpr_inverse_of_q      1/12289
  747  *   fpr fpr_inv_2sqrsigma0    1/(2*(1.8205^2))
  748  *   fpr fpr_inv_sigma[]       1/sigma (indexed by logn, 1 to 10)
  749  *   fpr fpr_sigma_min[]       1/sigma_min (indexed by logn, 1 to 10)
  750  *   fpr fpr_log2              log(2)
  751  *   fpr fpr_inv_log2          1/log(2)
  752  *   fpr fpr_bnorm_max         16822.4121
  753  *   fpr fpr_zero              0
  754  *   fpr fpr_one               1
  755  *   fpr fpr_two               2
  756  *   fpr fpr_onehalf           0.5
  757  *   fpr fpr_ptwo31            2^31
  758  *   fpr fpr_ptwo31m1          2^31-1
  759  *   fpr fpr_mtwo31m1          -(2^31-1)
  760  *   fpr fpr_ptwo63m1          2^63-1
  761  *   fpr fpr_mtwo63m1          -(2^63-1)
  762  *   fpr fpr_ptwo63            2^63
  763  */
  764 #include "fpr.h"
  766 /* ==================================================================== */
  767 /*
  768  * RNG (rng.c).
  769  *
  770  * A PRNG based on ChaCha20 is implemented; it is seeded from a SHAKE256
  771  * context (flipped) and is used for bulk pseudorandom generation.
  772  * A system-dependent seed generator is also provided.
  773  */
  775 /*
  776  * Obtain a random seed from the system RNG.
  777  *
  778  * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error.
  779  */
  780 int Zf(get_seed)(void *seed, size_t seed_len);
  782 /*
  783  * Structure for a PRNG. This includes a large buffer so that values
  784  * get generated in advance. The 'state' is used to keep the current
  785  * PRNG algorithm state (contents depend on the selected algorithm).
  786  *
  787  * The unions with 'dummy_u64' are there to ensure proper alignment for
  788  * 64-bit direct access.
  789  */
  790 typedef struct {
  791         union {
  792                 uint8_t d[512]; /* MUST be 512, exactly */
  793                 uint64_t dummy_u64;
  794         } buf;
  795         size_t ptr;
  796         union {
  797                 uint8_t d[256];
  798                 uint64_t dummy_u64;
  799         } state;
  800         int type;
  801 } prng;
  803 /*
  804  * Instantiate a PRNG. That PRNG will feed over the provided SHAKE256
  805  * context (in "flipped" state) to obtain its initial state.
  806  */
  807 void Zf(prng_init)(prng *p, inner_shake256_context *src);
  809 /*
  810  * Refill the PRNG buffer. This is normally invoked automatically, and
  811  * is declared here only so that prng_get_u64() may be inlined.
  812  */
  813 void Zf(prng_refill)(prng *p);
  815 /*
  816  * Get some bytes from a PRNG.
  817  */
  818 void Zf(prng_get_bytes)(prng *p, void *dst, size_t len);
  820 /*
  821  * Get a 64-bit random value from a PRNG.
  822  */
  823 static inline uint64_t
  824 prng_get_u64(prng *p)
  825 {
  826         size_t u;
  828         /*
  829          * If there are less than 9 bytes in the buffer, we refill it.
  830          * This means that we may drop the last few bytes, but this allows
  831          * for faster extraction code. Also, it means that we never leave
  832          * an empty buffer.
  833          */
  834         u = p->ptr;
  835         if (u >= (sizeof p->buf.d) - 9) {
  836                 Zf(prng_refill)(p);
  837                 u = 0;
  838         }
  839         p->ptr = u + 8;
  841         /*
  842          * On systems that use little-endian encoding and allow
  843          * unaligned accesses, we can simply read the data where it is.
  844          */
  845 #if FALCON_LE && FALCON_UNALIGNED  // yyyLEU+1
  846         return *(uint64_t *)(p->buf.d + u);
  847 #else  // yyyLEU+0
  848         return (uint64_t)p->buf.d[u + 0]
  849                 | ((uint64_t)p->buf.d[u + 1] << 8)
  850                 | ((uint64_t)p->buf.d[u + 2] << 16)
  851                 | ((uint64_t)p->buf.d[u + 3] << 24)
  852                 | ((uint64_t)p->buf.d[u + 4] << 32)
  853                 | ((uint64_t)p->buf.d[u + 5] << 40)
  854                 | ((uint64_t)p->buf.d[u + 6] << 48)
  855                 | ((uint64_t)p->buf.d[u + 7] << 56);
  856 #endif  // yyyLEU-
  857 }
  859 /*
  860  * Get an 8-bit random value from a PRNG.
  861  */
  862 static inline unsigned
  863 prng_get_u8(prng *p)
  864 {
  865         unsigned v;
  867         v = p->buf.d[p->ptr ++];
  868         if (p->ptr == sizeof p->buf.d) {
  869                 Zf(prng_refill)(p);
  870         }
  871         return v;
  872 }
  874 /* ==================================================================== */
  875 /*
  876  * FFT (falcon-fft.c).
  877  *
  878  * A real polynomial is represented as an array of N 'fpr' elements.
  879  * The FFT representation of a real polynomial contains N/2 complex
  880  * elements; each is stored as two real numbers, for the real and
  881  * imaginary parts, respectively. See falcon-fft.c for details on the
  882  * internal representation.
  883  */
  885 /*
  886  * Compute FFT in-place: the source array should contain a real
  887  * polynomial (N coefficients); its storage area is reused to store
  888  * the FFT representation of that polynomial (N/2 complex numbers).
  889  *
  890  * 'logn' MUST lie between 1 and 10 (inclusive).
  891  */
  892 void Zf(FFT)(fpr *f, unsigned logn);
  894 /*
  895  * Compute the inverse FFT in-place: the source array should contain the
  896  * FFT representation of a real polynomial (N/2 elements); the resulting
  897  * real polynomial (N coefficients of type 'fpr') is written over the
  898  * array.
  899  *
  900  * 'logn' MUST lie between 1 and 10 (inclusive).
  901  */
  902 void Zf(iFFT)(fpr *f, unsigned logn);
  904 /*
  905  * Add polynomial b to polynomial a. a and b MUST NOT overlap. This
  906  * function works in both normal and FFT representations.
  907  */
  908 void Zf(poly_add)(fpr *restrict a, const fpr *restrict b, unsigned logn);
  910 /*
  911  * Subtract polynomial b from polynomial a. a and b MUST NOT overlap. This
  912  * function works in both normal and FFT representations.
  913  */
  914 void Zf(poly_sub)(fpr *restrict a, const fpr *restrict b, unsigned logn);
  916 /*
  917  * Negate polynomial a. This function works in both normal and FFT
  918  * representations.
  919  */
  920 void Zf(poly_neg)(fpr *a, unsigned logn);
  922 /*
  923  * Compute adjoint of polynomial a. This function works only in FFT
  924  * representation.
  925  */
  926 void Zf(poly_adj_fft)(fpr *a, unsigned logn);
  928 /*
  929  * Multiply polynomial a with polynomial b. a and b MUST NOT overlap.
  930  * This function works only in FFT representation.
  931  */
  932 void Zf(poly_mul_fft)(fpr *restrict a, const fpr *restrict b, unsigned logn);
  934 /*
  935  * Multiply polynomial a with the adjoint of polynomial b. a and b MUST NOT
  936  * overlap. This function works only in FFT representation.
  937  */
  938 void Zf(poly_muladj_fft)(fpr *restrict a, const fpr *restrict b, unsigned logn);
  940 /*
  941  * Multiply polynomial with its own adjoint. This function works only in FFT
  942  * representation.
  943  */
  944 void Zf(poly_mulselfadj_fft)(fpr *a, unsigned logn);
  946 /*
  947  * Multiply polynomial with a real constant. This function works in both
  948  * normal and FFT representations.
  949  */
  950 void Zf(poly_mulconst)(fpr *a, fpr x, unsigned logn);
  952 /*
  953  * Divide polynomial a by polynomial b, modulo X^N+1 (FFT representation).
  954  * a and b MUST NOT overlap.
  955  */
  956 void Zf(poly_div_fft)(fpr *restrict a, const fpr *restrict b, unsigned logn);
  958 /*
  959  * Given f and g (in FFT representation), compute 1/(f*adj(f)+g*adj(g))
  960  * (also in FFT representation). Since the result is auto-adjoint, all its
  961  * coordinates in FFT representation are real; as such, only the first N/2
  962  * values of d[] are filled (the imaginary parts are skipped).
  963  *
  964  * Array d MUST NOT overlap with either a or b.
  965  */
  966 void Zf(poly_invnorm2_fft)(fpr *restrict d,
  967         const fpr *restrict a, const fpr *restrict b, unsigned logn);
  969 /*
  970  * Given F, G, f and g (in FFT representation), compute F*adj(f)+G*adj(g)
  971  * (also in FFT representation). Destination d MUST NOT overlap with
  972  * any of the source arrays.
  973  */
  974 void Zf(poly_add_muladj_fft)(fpr *restrict d,
  975         const fpr *restrict F, const fpr *restrict G,
  976         const fpr *restrict f, const fpr *restrict g, unsigned logn);
  978 /*
  979  * Multiply polynomial a by polynomial b, where b is autoadjoint. Both
  980  * a and b are in FFT representation. Since b is autoadjoint, all its
  981  * FFT coefficients are real, and the array b contains only N/2 elements.
  982  * a and b MUST NOT overlap.
  983  */
  984 void Zf(poly_mul_autoadj_fft)(fpr *restrict a,
  985         const fpr *restrict b, unsigned logn);
  987 /*
  988  * Divide polynomial a by polynomial b, where b is autoadjoint. Both
  989  * a and b are in FFT representation. Since b is autoadjoint, all its
  990  * FFT coefficients are real, and the array b contains only N/2 elements.
  991  * a and b MUST NOT overlap.
  992  */
  993 void Zf(poly_div_autoadj_fft)(fpr *restrict a,
  994         const fpr *restrict b, unsigned logn);
  996 /*
  997  * Perform an LDL decomposition of an auto-adjoint matrix G, in FFT
  998  * representation. On input, g00, g01 and g11 are provided (where the
  999  * matrix G = [[g00, g01], [adj(g01), g11]]). On output, the d00, l10
 1000  * and d11 values are written in g00, g01 and g11, respectively
 1001  * (with D = [[d00, 0], [0, d11]] and L = [[1, 0], [l10, 1]]).
 1002  * (In fact, d00 = g00, so the g00 operand is left unmodified.)
 1003  */
 1004 void Zf(poly_LDL_fft)(const fpr *restrict g00,
 1005         fpr *restrict g01, fpr *restrict g11, unsigned logn);
 1007 /*
 1008  * Perform an LDL decomposition of an auto-adjoint matrix G, in FFT
 1009  * representation. This is identical to poly_LDL_fft() except that
 1010  * g00, g01 and g11 are unmodified; the outputs d11 and l10 are written
 1011  * in two other separate buffers provided as extra parameters.
 1012  */
 1013 void Zf(poly_LDLmv_fft)(fpr *restrict d11, fpr *restrict l10,
 1014         const fpr *restrict g00, const fpr *restrict g01,
 1015         const fpr *restrict g11, unsigned logn);
 1017 /*
 1018  * Apply "split" operation on a polynomial in FFT representation:
 1019  * f = f0(x^2) + x*f1(x^2), for half-size polynomials f0 and f1
 1020  * (polynomials modulo X^(N/2)+1). f0, f1 and f MUST NOT overlap.
 1021  */
 1022 void Zf(poly_split_fft)(fpr *restrict f0, fpr *restrict f1,
 1023         const fpr *restrict f, unsigned logn);
 1025 /*
 1026  * Apply "merge" operation on two polynomials in FFT representation:
 1027  * given f0 and f1, polynomials moduo X^(N/2)+1, this function computes
 1028  * f = f0(x^2) + x*f1(x^2), in FFT representation modulo X^N+1.
 1029  * f MUST NOT overlap with either f0 or f1.
 1030  */
 1031 void Zf(poly_merge_fft)(fpr *restrict f,
 1032         const fpr *restrict f0, const fpr *restrict f1, unsigned logn);
 1034 /* ==================================================================== */
 1035 /*
 1036  * Key pair generation.
 1037  */
 1039 /*
 1040  * Required sizes of the temporary buffer (in bytes).
 1041  *
 1042  * This size is 28*2^logn bytes, except for degrees 2 and 4 (logn = 1
 1043  * or 2) where it is slightly greater.
 1044  */
 1045 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_1      136
 1046 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_2      272
 1047 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_3      224
 1048 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_4      448
 1049 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_5      896
 1050 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_6     1792
 1051 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_7     3584
 1052 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_8     7168
 1053 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_9    14336
 1054 #define FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_10   28672
 1056 /*
 1057  * Generate a new key pair. Randomness is extracted from the provided
 1058  * SHAKE256 context, which must have already been seeded and flipped.
 1059  * The tmp[] array must have suitable size (see FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_*
 1060  * macros) and be aligned for the uint32_t, uint64_t and fpr types.
 1061  *
 1062  * The private key elements are written in f, g, F and G, and the
 1063  * public key is written in h. Either or both of G and h may be NULL,
 1064  * in which case the corresponding element is not returned (they can
 1065  * be recomputed from f, g and F).
 1066  *
 1067  * tmp[] must have 64-bit alignment.
 1068  * This function uses floating-point rounding (see set_fpu_cw()).
 1069  */
 1070 void Zf(keygen)(inner_shake256_context *rng,
 1071         int8_t *f, int8_t *g, int8_t *F, int8_t *G, uint16_t *h,
 1072         unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
 1074 /* ==================================================================== */
 1075 /*
 1076  * Signature generation.
 1077  */
 1079 /*
 1080  * Expand a private key into the B0 matrix in FFT representation and
 1081  * the LDL tree. All the values are written in 'expanded_key', for
 1082  * a total of (8*logn+40)*2^logn bytes.
 1083  *
 1084  * The tmp[] array must have room for at least 48*2^logn bytes.
 1085  *
 1086  * tmp[] must have 64-bit alignment.
 1087  * This function uses floating-point rounding (see set_fpu_cw()).
 1088  */
 1089 void Zf(expand_privkey)(fpr *restrict expanded_key,
 1090         const int8_t *f, const int8_t *g, const int8_t *F, const int8_t *G,
 1091         unsigned logn, uint8_t *restrict tmp);
 1093 /*
 1094  * Compute a signature over the provided hashed message (hm); the
 1095  * signature value is one short vector. This function uses an
 1096  * expanded key (as generated by Zf(expand_privkey)()).
 1097  *
 1098  * The sig[] and hm[] buffers may overlap.
 1099  *
 1100  * On successful output, the start of the tmp[] buffer contains the s1
 1101  * vector (as int16_t elements).
 1102  *
 1103  * The minimal size (in bytes) of tmp[] is 48*2^logn bytes.
 1104  *
 1105  * tmp[] must have 64-bit alignment.
 1106  * This function uses floating-point rounding (see set_fpu_cw()).
 1107  */
 1108 void Zf(sign_tree)(int16_t *sig, inner_shake256_context *rng,
 1109         const fpr *restrict expanded_key,
 1110         const uint16_t *hm, unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
 1112 /*
 1113  * Compute a signature over the provided hashed message (hm); the
 1114  * signature value is one short vector. This function uses a raw
 1115  * key and dynamically recompute the B0 matrix and LDL tree; this
 1116  * saves RAM since there is no needed for an expanded key, but
 1117  * increases the signature cost.
 1118  *
 1119  * The sig[] and hm[] buffers may overlap.
 1120  *
 1121  * On successful output, the start of the tmp[] buffer contains the s1
 1122  * vector (as int16_t elements).
 1123  *
 1124  * The minimal size (in bytes) of tmp[] is 72*2^logn bytes.
 1125  *
 1126  * tmp[] must have 64-bit alignment.
 1127  * This function uses floating-point rounding (see set_fpu_cw()).
 1128  */
 1129 void Zf(sign_dyn)(int16_t *sig, inner_shake256_context *rng,
 1130         const int8_t *restrict f, const int8_t *restrict g,
 1131         const int8_t *restrict F, const int8_t *restrict G,
 1132         const uint16_t *hm, unsigned logn, uint8_t *tmp);
 1134 /*
 1135  * Internal sampler engine. Exported for tests.
 1136  *
 1137  * sampler_context wraps around a source of random numbers (PRNG) and
 1138  * the sigma_min value (nominally dependent on the degree).
 1139  *
 1140  * sampler() takes as parameters:
 1141  *   ctx      pointer to the sampler_context structure
 1142  *   mu       center for the distribution
 1143  *   isigma   inverse of the distribution standard deviation
 1144  * It returns an integer sampled along the Gaussian distribution centered
 1145  * on mu and of standard deviation sigma = 1/isigma.
 1146  *
 1147  * gaussian0_sampler() takes as parameter a pointer to a PRNG, and
 1148  * returns an integer sampled along a half-Gaussian with standard
 1149  * deviation sigma0 = 1.8205 (center is 0, returned value is
 1150  * nonnegative).
 1151  */
 1153 typedef struct {
 1154         prng p;
 1155         fpr sigma_min;
 1156 } sampler_context;
 1159 int Zf(sampler)(void *ctx, fpr mu, fpr isigma);
 1162 int Zf(gaussian0_sampler)(prng *p);
 1164 /* ==================================================================== */
 1166 #endif